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How to use ‘그리고’ & ‘-고’ in Korean grammar.

learning korean Dec 17, 2022
 ‘그리고’ , ‘-고’ ,Korean grammar

- Author: Niya (Trinidad and Tobago)
- Editor: Good Job Korean team 

Do you remember ‘- which is used as 'and'? Although, ‘-이랑 and하고 are used as 'and' in Korean they are only used for linking nouns.

Then what can we use to link phrases and sentences? We use the conjunction '그리고' which can be translated as ‘and’, ‘and then’, or even ‘after’.


그리고 can be shorted as 'verb stem + -' that also can be translated as 'And', 'And then' or ‘after’. Let’s take a look at them together.


The conjunction 그리고


이 고양이는 작아요. 그리고 귀여워요.

This cat is small. And it is cute.

*고양이: cat   *작다: to be small   *귀엽다: to be cute


샤워를 했어요. 그리고 저녁을 먹었어요.

I took a shower. After that, I ate dinner.

*샤워를 하다: to take a shower   *저녁: dinner, evening   *먹다: to eat


내일 아침을 먹을 거예요. 그리고 학교에 갈 거예요.

I will have breakfast. And then, I will go to school.

(단어 추가)



그리고 also can connect nouns as ‘고양이 그리고 강아지(a cat and a dog), but it is not commonly used. When connecting nouns, not phrases, 하고’ or ‘()is way more commonly used. So ‘고양이하고 강아지’ or ‘고양이랑 강아지’ is more natural.


‘Verb stem+ ’: Shorten form 그리고


You can shorten 2 sentences connected with ‘그리고’ into 1 sentence by using ‘verb stem + ’. With shortened form, it’s more effective to use and more commonly used. Let me bring the sentences above again.


  • 이 고양이는 작아요. 그리고 귀여워요.
    This cat is small. And it is cute.

    이 고양이 작 귀여워요. (Shortened form)
    This cat is small and cute.

    *고양이: cat *작다: to be small   *귀엽다: to be cute


  • 샤워를 했어요. 그리고 저녁을 먹었어요.
    I took a shower. After that, I ate dinner.

    샤워를 하고 저녁을 먹었어요. (Shortened form)
    I ate dinner after taking a shower.

    샤워를 하다: to take a shower *저녁: dinner, evening   *먹다: to eat


  • 내일 아침을 먹을 거예요. 그리고 학교에 갈 거예요.
    I will have breakfast. And then, I will go to school.

    내일 아침을 먹 학교에 갈 거예요. (Shortened form)
    I will eat breakfast and then go to school tomorrow.
    내일: tomorrow *아침: breakfast   *학교: school 


 When connecting 2 sentences with ‘-’, you don’t have to match the tense for both sentences. You just connect with ‘verb stem + ’ as long as you indicate the tense in the final verb. People will naturally understand both phrases have the same tense only with the tense of the final verb


However, you could also indicate the tenses with ‘-’, especially when 2 sentences have different tenses and you have to indicate them.


[Past tense ‘-’ ending]

You drop '어요' at the end of the past tense verb and add '-'. Ex) 어요 ->


샤워했어요. 그리고 이제 잘 거예요.

I took a shower. And I’m going to sleep now.


샤워했고 이제 잘 거예요.

I took a shower and I’m going to sleep now.

*이제: now  *자다: to sleep


[Future tense ‘-’ ending]

You drop '예요' at the end of the future tense verb and add '-'. Ex) 만날 거예요 ->만날 거고


내일은 동생 만날 거예요. 그리고 오늘은 남자친구 만났어요.

I will meet my brother tomorrow. And I met my boyfriend today.


내일은 동생 만날 거고 오늘은 남자친구 만났어요.

I will meet my brother tomorrow, and I met my boyfriend today.


*동생: younger sibling *만나다: to meet



Let’s check out some more example sentences!




이 커피는 싸요. 그리고 맛있어요.

This coffee is cheap and delicious.

이 커피는 싸 맛있어요.

This coffee is cheap and delicious.

*커피: coffee  *싸다: to be cheap   *맛있다: to be delicious


어제 친구를 만났어요. 그리고 영화를 봤어요.

I met friends after watching a movie yesterday.

어제 친구를 만나 영화를 봤어요.

I met friends after watching a movie yesterday. -> after 로 바꿔 보기

*어제: yesterday   *친구: friend   *만나다: to meet   *영화: movie   *보다: to watch


내일 프로젝트를 끝낼 거예요. 그리고 파티를 할 거예요.

I will finish the project tomorrow and then I will have a party.

내일 프로젝트를 끝내 파티를 할 거예요.

I will finish the project tomorrow and then I will throw a party.

*내일: tomorrow   *프로젝트: project   *끝내다: to finish   *파티를 하다: to have party


여동생은 요리를 잘해요. 그리고 저는 청소를 잘해요.

My sister is good at cooking. And I'm good at cleaning.

여동생은 요리를 잘하 저는 청소를 잘해요.

My sister cooks well and I clean well.

*여동생: younger sister   *요리하다: to cook   *청소하다: to clean  
를 잘하다: to be good at doing something


먼저 출근할 거예요. 그리고 나중에 영화를 보러 갈 거예요.

I'll go to work first and then go to the movies later.

먼저 출근하 나중에 영화를 보러 갈 거예요.

I'll go to work first and then go to the movies later.

*먼저: first   *출근하다: to go to work   *나중에: later   *영화: movie   *가다: to go

- Author: Niya (Trinidad and Tobago)
- Editor: Good Job Korean team