How to type Korean keyboard on your phone, tablet, and computer.
Dec 26, 2022
- Author: Good Job Korean team
- Editor: Good Job Korean team
If you can type in Korean, it will be much easier to google in Korean and you will have better fun while consuming Korean content on the internet. So, I’m here to teach you how to type in Korean.
Before learning how to type, I will give you instructions on where to set your keyboard to type Korean.
Adding the Korean language to your computer (Windows).
Adding the Korean language to your computer(Mac).
Adding the Korean language to your mobile (Android).
Adding the Korean language to your mobile (iOS).
Korean Keyboard layout
There are two ways of Korean keyboard layout, 2-set and 3-set. However, Korean people mostly use the 2-set layout. So, let’s focus on the 2-set layout only.
This is the 2-set layout keyboard. As you can see on the left side of the keyboard are the consonants and on the right side are the vowels.
You might wonder why some of the keys have more than one consonant or vowel. On the top row, you can see 5 consonants and 2 vowels with more than one consonant. If you press the “shift” key and type one of those characters, you can type double consonants and “γ ” and “γ ”.
If it is too hard to memorize all the characters, you can buy a key cover for your keyboard until you memorize all the keys.
Now let’s get into the actual typing part!
In this part, I will tell you the structure of typing Korean letters. The basic concept is the same. Each syllable needs to have at least one consonant and one vowel. I will explain it with letters containing different numbers of characters. The order goes from left to right and top to bottom.
It seems pretty simple, right? However, some of you might wonder how to type combined vowels. For combined vowels, you type two vowels in a row.
For example:
μ = γ + γ + γ
μ = γ + γ + γ
Now, you will be able to type all the syllables in Korean.
When you first try to type in Korean on your device it will be confusing. Let’s say you are trying to type “μ¬λν΄”. You will type in the order of “γ ”, “γ ”, “γΉ” and so on. While you are writing, you will type in the order like this.
μ¬ -> μ΄ -> μ¬λΌ -> μ¬λ -> μ¬λν΄.
At the point where the “γΉ” goes under “쬔, you might get confused because you never intend to write “μ΄”. Don’t worry, it is because the device doesn’t know what you are trying to write yet as you haven’t typed a vowel coming after. So, when that happens, don’t mind and just keep on going with the order you are trying to type.
Practicing Korean typing
Now, you’ve learned the mechanism for typing Korean. So, I would like to recommend a website to practice your Korean typing skill.
- Taja
This is Typing practice activity made by a Korean company. You can practice from basic to advanced level. Moreover, you can practice by sections of the keyboard, which will be useful for beginners.
- Author: Good Job Korean team
- Editor: Good Job Korean team